Find the Alien2.8.1

Alien Game – Can You Stop the Alien Invasion?

Do you think aliens exist? Want to play a game in which you get to find and kill aliens? If yes, then you will find this alien game to your liking. Find the Alien is a captivating game in which you have to look for aliens hiding amongst the public and zap them with a variety of weapons. It transports you to a city that has been taken over by aliens. They have infiltrated different parts of the city and have abducted several citizens. The aliens have taken place of the hostages and are posing as real people, making it difficult to identify them. Your goal is to first detect the aliens, zap them, and then liberate the citizens by locating the secret base of the aliens.
Find the Alien
Find the Alien has intriguing gameplay. Every person you see is a suspect since you can’t differentiate between humans and aliens. The artwork and graphics of this alien game do a good job of bringing the extraterrestrials to life. Moreover, the attention to detail in the design of the scanners and the weapons is also very impressive. The controls of this game are user-friendly as well. You are offered a scanner and a weapon for detecting and zapping the aliens. The buttons for each can be found at the base of the screen. You just need to tap the scanner icon to select it and then move your finger on the screen to look for aliens. After spotting an alien, you can zap it by selecting the weapon and tapping on the alien.
Find the Alien
This alien game lets you thwart the alien invasion by liberating the different areas of the city that they have infiltrated. Each area is divided into various levels with each level representing a different location. You will see multiple people in each location going about their life. Your job is to find the aliens among them by passing your scanner over each of them. You can easily identify the aliens owing to their distinct green color. The aliens could also be hiding as objects. So, make sure that you scan everything. You can complete a level by killing all the aliens in that location. Once all the aliens have been killed in an area, you can free the kidnapped citizens by infiltrating the alien base.
Find the Alien
Find the Alien offers a variety of scanners and weapons to you for identifying and zapping the aliens. Each scanner and weapon has a different design and look but their use remains the same. The scanners come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some of them have a rustic design while others look contemporary and futuristic. You can unlock the different types of scanners by watching video ads. The weapons available in this alien game are mostly guns that emit devastating energy blasts. However, if you are looking to roast the aliens then you can use the baby dragon that can produce hot streams of fire. You need to complete levels to unlock new weapons and then watch video ads to claim them.


  • Identify aliens using handheld scanners
  • Kill the aliens by zapping them with weapons
  • Complete levels by killing all the aliens
  • Locate the alien base and find the hostages
  • Liberate areas of the city by freeing kidnapped citizens
  • Various types of scanners to detect the aliens
  • A wide range of weapons to zap the extraterrestrials


Find the Alien is a game for people who are fascinated by aliens and love playing mystery games. It lets you save the human race from an alien invasion by detecting and zapping the aliens disguised as humans. You will have a fun time using the different scanners to look for aliens posing as regular people in this alien game.

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Updated At: 2024-10-04
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free